Wednesday, September 9, 2020

update - still only one in the zipcode

I think that if you lived in this area all your life, you might feel that such a thing as covid will simply never show up around here. And I think to some degree you'd be right. It's relatively sparse up here, in terms of people, and we don't share a whole lot of enclosed spaces - Allsup's, maybe, or Family dollar, or a school entryway.

But really what it is, I think, what accounts for our luck, is that so many of us lead isolated lifestyles. How many of us even go down in the valley? I'd say, a few dozen work down there. But that's it. It just doesn't have that much opportunity to get us.

My biggest concern is the kids. They're hanging around all together, spreading whatever germs they have, and taking them home to share. That means we parents will be the first to go. Everyone else, their kids are out of the house already it seems. The ones who are raising young ones, no problem, the little ones aren't getting it so much. It's the ones about 14-25 who are spreading it like wildfire.

And it's not entirely their fault. What are you supposed to do, stop growing for a few years while it passes over? I don't think that's going to happen. I think a lot of these young people gave up fighting it off. They said, well, I can lock myself up, but I can't really bear that either.

It's partly that it doesn't hit them as hard, and they know it. They get over a flu, or another kind of virus, and go on with their lives. You can tell them that this one's worse, and your parents might die from it, but that doesn't mean that much to them. It means a lot to us, but they're like die?

They give us a confused look. Like we were trying to explain algebra.

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