Saturday, September 5, 2020

Covid in Cloudcroft

This is a town of under 800. There are a few hundred more out in the mountains, and in places like Timberon, but altogether there a aren't a whole lot of people. That works in our favor. We are inundated by people from the lowlands on times like this, Labor Day weekend, and they all come up here thinking we have fresh air and lots of room. We do.

I'll be the first to admit, I thought we'd be swamped by now. with the steady stream of visitors coming into cramped spaces like Allsups and Family Dollar, surely someone from the lowlands would have brought it by now. Instead we have one case still in our mountain zipcode. And one squared, cubed and to the fourth power is still just one.

I don't know who it is and won't speculate here. All I can say is, best I can figure, they've kept it out of Allsup's and Family Dollar. If we were swamped, we'd know it. After all, it would only take ten cases to be over one percent.

I have friends in Florida - swamped. Iowa - swamped. Southern Illinois - swamped. It's not pretty out there. And I feel incredibly lucky up here.

It's my bad luck that my kids need, by biological imperative, to go out and be with their friends. It's my good luck that they think Cloudcroft is a happening place, where there are lots of good people they like and can relate to. And it's my further good luck that as far as I can tell, in our almost-nine-thousand feet, sunny breezy clime, the covid just doesn't have a real foothold yet.

Long may it stay that way.

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